Three First Steps to A Clutter Free Christmas

I saw her and immediately wanted to help. She had this huge stroller and two other little ones pulling at her cardigan. She was trying to negotiate the stroller over four stairs and with the little ones on why they need to wear coats. I asked of I could help and she said, “No, I can do it. I got this.”  And she clearly did not have this.

How many times do we say the exact same thing. Nope, I got it. I can do that…oh, that?  Sure, sign me up. That is totally me. I don’t do easy.




Why do we clutter our lives?

Some of us have cluttered lives because of busyness or wanting control. 

Oh, another activity? Yes! Let’s get involved. Oh, you want me to plan it?  Okay, sure!

Some of us have cluttered lives out of guilt.

So, at one point when I went back to work, I was actually every single of one of my children’s head room mom because I felt so guilty about working. It was crazy. I needed someone to tell me to stop.




I have had Christmas victories and failures.

I could tell you the story of the Christmas I had all my friends over for a pajama and appetizer party and our whole house was decorated in the theme of the Night before Christmas and I could tell you the sweet story when my kids got a puppy in a box under the tree that put Hallmark commercials to shame, but I could also tell you the story of the year with the two foot tree on a table or the year we had only four ornaments on our tree.



Let us not forget that it is the glory of ChristmasThe good news isn't Christmas Parties or events or decorationsThe good news is Christ!

it’s OK to not decorate every room of your house.  It’s okay if you want to decorate every room of the house. It’s OK to want to have some time out of the house. You don’t have to love baking cookies just because it is Christmas. I guess what I’m saying is, whatever kind of woman you want to be is OK. If you love your family and keep trying your best to bring glory to God - that’s all any of us can aim for. We need to stop letting other people, or Pinterest or your mother in law’s opinion affect how you want to spend your time at Christmas.

Keith Raimondi