I am excited to announce my first ebook!!

You can purchase it…

for your Kindle!


Please stop by my other site and take a look around: www.clutterfreesimplicity.com 



books I have been a contributor for

Everbloom: Stories of Deeply Rooted and Transformed Lives

“We read to see elements of our own hearts, experiences and stories reflected back to us in the words of others. This collection is just that: stories that help us feel seen, known, and understood. Honestly and beautifully told, this book will keep you in good company along your own journey.” —Shauna Niequist, bestselling author of Present Over Perfect



CSB in(courage) Bible:

Throughout the (in)courage Devotional Bible, you'll find 52 reflective devotions. These devotions are designed to begin each week of Scripture reading and are the anchors of the reading plans. Each reflective devotion includes reflection questions and space for journaling.