Calgon, don't take me away! We're having too much fun!
Hey There!
Haven't been on in a while....
Between moving, school starting, and just the craziness of having four kids 8 and under, it is not that I haven't had the moments,it is that they are coming far too quickly to remember,but hopefully the positive memories will stick and the ones I want my kids to forget will be wiped away by all the love I try to show them.
Apparently, my kids are quite gifted and know when it is time to bathe!
Here's a classic story that I got picture of...
I was upstairs with my oldest son snuggling after quiet time. He had said, "Hey Mom! Is that water I hear?" I didn't think so, but after hearing it for a while, we thought we should go check it out. Well, my four year old, who at last checking was reading on the couch, decided to take his clothes off, and take a bath in the powder room sink! I told him gently, but sternly that he really could have fallen backward and it was not a good idea to do that, but to keep doing it so I could take a picture for dad. :) We were all laughing pretty hard at that one!
Isn't that just like us? Thinking we know what we need, we will take it into our own hands and maybe get part of the job accomplished, but definitely not the whole thing. And all because we didn't get prepared. Whether it is praying, checking with wise counsel or simply giving yourself time to search the Bible for a more definite answer, we just want to jump into the sink instead of a glorious bath overflowing with bubbles.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you joy and peace."
In what ways are you settling for a bath in the sink? In what areas of your life do you need to give over to God in order to let him bathe you with his joy and peace, comfort and joy?"
Enjoy the MOMents!