Got siding?
Well, we don't! At least not yet...
After church came a fun road trip to two far away towns to look at two houses that had examples of some siding that we are looking at for our new addition. We figured out by the time we actually got to the houses, drove around to look at the colors, and were on the way back home, we could have driven up North to our parents' cabin in Wisconsin. Which, by the way, is 4 HOURS AWAY!
Luckily, we stopped by Cabella's on the way home for a super fun family adventure. They had a collection of mounted animals and a huge tank of fish that pretty much was our zoo trip for the summer. The kids loved looking at the white tail deer, burrowing prairie dogs, and the huge elephant in the back that Mike and I decided was probably not hit on the side of the road by a car and so we were thinking it was probably a replica of a real stuffed elephant.
So after our quick pit stop at Cabellas, we were back at looking at more siding. We are trying to decide between "deep granite" and "pebblestone clay." Now, the real challenge is getting a color that "pops" without people saying,"Oh, you live in that blue house."
After the afternoon being shot, we decided we didn't like either one and we are back at square one. The classic line being when we saw a house that we liked, one of our sons said,"Oh, I like it, just not for our house."
I realized that we cannot please everyone with this choice. Our neighbors might not like it, it might not be our parents' favorites, and our kids might not even like it, but we have to decide what we like. We have to look at it EVERYDAY!
In the same way, I want to teach our children to be secure in their choices no matter what people around them say. Of course, what we say should be part of that choice...=)