Yep, You read it right... $3.00

It was from a garage sale a few weeks ago.

  And she had a sister:

I will take both for $5.00!
I couldn't believe it!  I have wanted to add some blue to my home and I love the shapes of these finds!  I especially loved how it added a little pow to my free table.  Those details will come put later in another post!

Doesn't it look pretty?
Of course, as always, God has a way of taking the ordinary and turning it into an extraordinary learning lesson for me....

You can see the pretty outside...
When I was taking the picture for this, I happened to look inside:


They are not real! 

I repeat they are not real. 

They are those creepy crawlers that you make with rubbery material and a creepy crawler oven:

  Yep, Actually another garage sale find.
That one was a little more money though.
I think I paid around $6 or $7 for it.

Looking inside the beautiful jar, and seeing the muck, I realized what is really inside of me.  I might look okay on the outside, doing all the "right things," but on the inside, there are my insecurities, my struggles, my creepy crawly mess ugliness...the ugliness of impatience, worry, or fear of not being everything to everyone.

The thing is, when I see this:

Closer view of the crawlers!

God sees this:


...The whole picture.

He knows my fears, my struggles, my sins...
Because He created me.

But even seeing the muck, He also sees my beauty within because He  is inside of me...

Living inside my heart...He knows because He died on the cross for that muck.

I can give Him my muck, and He makes me new.

And that, my sisters, is truly the find of eternity!

And He who sits on the throne said,

“Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5
 Thank you for letting me share a few of my wonderful treasures!

Enjoy the blessing of the MOMent,
