To Be A Homeschooler or Not to Be
Okay, I see posts all the time asking for advice...advice on what car to buy, where to buy clothes, even where to work out. My answer for that last one is, "You can always just run around chasing my four kids," but no one ever likes that answer...
This is not really advice, per se, but a call out for facts.
And Opinions.
So here is my question:
If you homeschool...
WHY do you do it?
Please tell me the benefits, tell me the reason you would never do "regular" school, tell me the 1000 perks that make you do it...tell me all about the joyful MOMents you experience!
Or even tell me why it is crazy hard, but you love it!
I really want to know.
We always evaluate schooling each year...Now is the time...
We are looking to you for the facts. Your facts. Your Opinions. No, not to make up our mind, but to give us real honest answers.
WHY do you send your kids to school?
What are the things that you love about school?
Be real, be honest.
What do you gain? What do your kids gain?
Your facts. Your Opinions.
And to say thank you and to show you how important this is to us.
So, how do you enter?
It's simple.
Rule #1- You must be a follower of my blog to enter.
Rule #2- Following my blog? Great. Now type your schooling MOMents and why you do it day in and day out!
You can also get more entries by 3 different ways:
-Follow me on Twitter, and type your Twitter name into the comment box.
-Tweet about this giveaway, and copy a link of your tweet into the comment box
-'Like' my Facebook page, and type your Facebook name into the comment box
Check it out:
One Homeschooler
One Non-Homeschooler