My Baby's Last Day of Kindergarten

Don't cry because it is over,
smile because it happened.

It is over.
His kindergarten year.
The year of half days.
Lunches with Mommy.
Lunches with Grandma and Papa.

The year of firsts.
Field trips, school boxes, 
and full weeks of school.

Playdates (some are coming this summer)
Science experiments
and a special Restaurant Night where it was all about him.

As I reflect on this year, and I think about his growth, both in reading and writing, but more importantly in character and Christ...I think about the ways that his journey is not ending, not even just beginning, but continuing.

And with his continuing journey comes mine...  My journey of shaping, shepherding, and shared trials and triumphs.

This path we are taking is unfolding before us.  

A path of questions
scraped knees, 
broken hearts, 
lost library books
late night sickness, 

but also

a path of answers, 
healed bruises, 
full hearts, 
backyard treasures and 
laughter in the morning.

"Wait passionately for God, don't leave the path."
Psalm 37:34 The Message

I am thankful for God's grace in getting me through this year.  This path.  This path of joys, and  promises that he is always with us and always loves us.

In. Every. Moment.

I have treasured the friendships, the opportunities, the fellowship.  I am thankful for education, for prayer and for grace.  I am blessed by this year

 in my

first grader's life.

What have you treasured this year in your life?  I would love to know!