Finding Refreshment in Today



Quiet lake
Setting sun
Sitting with
My only one

Feeling relaxed
As the day is done
Yet, wondering about
the rest to come

Th rest of the evening
The rest of the night
The rest of the time
Before eternal's light

This refreshment I feel
For no worries here
Is all temporary
For reality is near

Reality of deadlines
And laundry piles
Yet mixed with pool visits
And yogurt smeared smiles

For true refreshment,
Only He can give
"Give me your burdens," He says
"And through me you will live."

So I give Him this night
and I give Him this day
I thank Him for sunsets
And prayers that we say.

I thank Him for goodness
His wisdom and love
And I thank Him for peace
Flowing from up above

May His moment to you
Give you refreshment and hope true
For He wants you with Him
He is calling out to you.