Summer Tips and Tricks for Keeping Kids Busy
Hey Friends!
Some people say July 4th is only the beginning of summer. For me, it seems like the middle of the summer and I only have a few more weeks until I have to start thinking about school. That means only a few more weeks of a less hectic and more relaxed schedule for my children!
But look at the calendar... it's past July 4th, July 18th to be exact, my daughter's 12th birthday, and I am determined to make the last half of the summer even better than the first.
The middle of the summer means bringing out the special things to keep the kids busy and not whining the ever popular summer mantra, "Mom, what can I do? I'm bored!"
I hope this encourages you to put joy into every MOMent you have this summer!
Here are Three "Ps" to Beat Summer Boredom Blues:
Physical Activity
Nothing gets a mind off boredom more than using your body!
Try these healthy body activities:
1. Obstacle Course - whether it is run around the outside of house three times, do five jumping jacks, and touch a tree or even better have your kids make one up for each other, this will get the blood pumping and the boredom blues go away.
2. Take a Family Fun Walk - Walk around the neighborhood and alternate between skipping, jumping, hopping, and even walking backwards.
3. Roller Derby - Get those wheels a running! Skate, rollerblade, ripstick, or even big wheel between marked lines with a finish line!
4. Dance Off - Even your boys can get into this competition of turning up the music and dancing until the music stops. If you catch someone still moving, they are out until the next round. Winner gets to show off a new dance move!
5. Hard Labor - Okay, maybe not so hard, but definitely some work...get the kids involved in washing the car, mowing the lawn, weeding the garden. You will get some chores done while giving the child a sense of accomplishment.
6. Summer Olympics - Get your kids involved with their own version of this summer's biggest event including synchronized sprinkler routines, tennis ball balancing, or gymnastics by moonlight. Tell them to be creative and you will be sure to be a good audience for performance time!
6. Summer Olympics - Get your kids involved with their own version of this summer's biggest event including synchronized sprinkler routines, tennis ball balancing, or gymnastics by moonlight. Tell them to be creative and you will be sure to be a good audience for performance time!
Prepare for Fun
The summer months can seem long, but it can be the perfect time to get some creative projects done for the rest of the year when it seems too busy to complete craft time!
1. Make Christmas gifts - Get your list made and make gifts this year. You will cure the boredom blues AND get your Christmas gift getting done early.
Creative Paper Bookmarks
Wooden Block Photo Frames
Scrapbook for the Grandparents
Photo Calendar
Bead Necklaces, Bracelets, or Earrings
Assembled Bird Houses, Garden Planters
Here are some Craft Project Sites to get you started:
- – extremely comprehensive list sorted by holiday, theme, materials, or topic
- The Best Kids Book Site – also has a huge crafting section
2. Make a meal together - Double the recipe and bring a blessing meal to someone who is going through a tough time or even just another mom who needs a break. Your children will learn math through measuring, a life skill of cooking , and more importantly, the character shaping skill of serving another family!
3. Make your own vacation itinerary - Get your kids involved in deciding what to do on your next vacation. Have older kids plan out gas stops or souvinier costs. Have younger kids look through pictures and pick where they want to visit.
Complete the activity with your own travel guide or animal pamphlet. Younger kids can get stuffed animals involved in this part!
Bookmark these sites for quick exploring!
Practice Perfect Presentation:
Okay, this one has three "p"s all by itself, but the philosophy is still the same. This is all about making the ordinary special and making the kids do it!
1. Snack Time turns into Happy Cafe - Have your kids make menus, signs, and even prepare the snacks to turn an everyday detail into something fun!
2. Have Breakfast Outside - Not just the eating part, but finding it! Hang tiny cereal boxes in the trees, hang small spoons, and cartons of milk from individual branches. Set your children out to find their own food! Older kids can prepare this for the younger ones.
3. Lemonade Stand - This is a classic time waster fun activity for children. Add homemade brownies, cookies, and even give some of the profits to a special charity. The research in finding the charity will be more than an educational learning is a chance to teach generosity to your children!
4. Campouts - Whether it is a real tent in the yard or a sheet hung between chairs in the basement, have the kids set up "camp" with blankets and books to read by flashlights.
5. Dessert of the Day - Give each child a chance to pick out and create a special dessert with mom. This not only gives needed intentional time with one child, it also gives a little variety to the standard popsicle dessert of summer!
This is just the beginning in Summer Tips and Tricks! I know you have some to share as well. I would love to hear your creative ideas!
And if you want to read even more...head on over to Hearts-At-Home where my blog will be linked today and other Hearts-At-Home bloggers will be sharing!
Just click here!!