What to do with fear? Pray Big!

Dear Lord,

You have called me to be a mom.
I delight in the joy.
I am thankful for the jelly kisses and
cold toes cozy between my legs.

My heart is content with playing "Babies,"
reading to a wide eyed wonder in bed,
shopping for jeans for a sweet tween,
practicing a speech on how to download Talking Tom Cat.

Yet, sometimes late at night,
it hits me...
It hits them.

Coming at me when I am weary from the day
Whispering lies of  darkness,
pride, jealousy, worry.
There is no tangible cause...
for my blessings are too numerous to count.

And it comes for the little ones:
darkness, needing happy thoughts, promises unkept
And it comes for the bigger ones:
peer pressure, new wonders, the questions of tomorrow

And I tell myself, You have already won.
The battle is yours to fight.
My children are yours to grow.
They are mine for but a moment
And even in that moment, they are really not mine at all...

They are yours.
And all you ask me to do...
Is to love
pray big!