If I wanted "simple" I wouldn't have gotten a puppy...
So we got a puppy...
not the most simple gift, but...
Quite possibly the cutest puppy ANYWHERE! And I should know. . . I had been looking for about 6 months to find the perfect dog, the perfect breeder, the perfect age to make this Christmas perfect for my four kids.
And I think I did it!
It was a sweet memory, from the puppy being wrapped up in a beautiful Christmas box (don't worry...she could still breathe) to the kids not expecting, but wanting it so badly.
We had put some Legos in the box earlier in the week and put it under the tree, but right before we were going to open the box, I made an excuse that my husband, Mike, should go get a knife to cut off the outside so it didn't ruin the box. Mike went out to the garage and made the switch. He dumped the Legos and put sweet puppy inside instead. (He had gone right before to go pick her up.)
The kids were thinking they were about to open a box full of Legos, because, of course, they shook it. Or maybe my husband did.
But when they opened the box, it was the. best. Christmas. gift. ever.
Except for that tiny little baby Jesus that changed the world. That was actually more than the best, that was Epic!
But as far as earthy presents go. This one will top the list for quite some time!
It is more than just a surprise. It was a little bit of hope wrapped up in a box.
It is hope for days of walking and Frisbee in the park. Okay, maybe Frisbee with a tennis can top because this puppy is a little one.
It is hope for movie night snuggles and wet kisses. "She is so soft and fluffy!!!"(Despicable Me)
It is hope for nights that we do not have to get up to take her out. Okay, confession time, my husband takes her out every night. I figured I did the four babies for many, many years...He rocks. I am blessed.
It is hope for no more little smelly packages in the house. Seriously, totally our fault. You see how tiny she is? With an itty bitty bladder and tummy? She needs to go out A LOT!
It is hope that she will know her name and come when she is called. Basically to obey our commands.
To be trained well. Similar to our children. Our hope is in the Lord to guide us in training our children in the path that He shows and they will not deter from it. He promises that to us:
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Oh Lord. . . that's a whole lotta training!
But I know that when we parents do this, God will reward us with a gift that we cannot even imagine in our children. Because they really are His children, aren't they?
And do you think we do it alone?
God tells us:
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I am thankful for hope and for this tiny little bundle of sweetness!
A reminder for our kids and me to be ready for God to do amazing things and to know He wants to always give us more that we could ever ask or imagine!