His Love Never Fails

I looked around and saw many macadamia trees hitting the horizon.  I was tired, sweaty, and sick of grafting healthy shoots to each tree in order to produce a more abundant crop.  I wanted to do something more important.  Something that would make a bigger difference to the kingdom of God than just allowing a few more nuts to be produced.

That night,  27 children came in to sing at our chapel at the orphanage where we were staying.  They sang in pure sweet voices about a God that loves them no matter what.  They praised the Holy Father that cares for them, lifting their sweet faces to a Savior. 

They sang of a love from far above this world:

You, Lord, will always
treat me with kindness.
    Your love never fails.
You have made us what we are.
    Don’t give up on us now!

Psalm 138:8

And then the pastor came up after and told about how each nut that they can sell brings money into help these children. Each. single. nut.

The money helps buy food, clothes, bedding.  I think of the multiple sets of sheets that I have at home, and I die a bit inside.  I die to myself and I start over with Christ.

I want to continue to make a difference.  In the lives of these orphans, in the lives of everyone who I come into contact with.  In the life that God has given me.

The next morning, I look at all of those macadamia nut trees

and smile.


That was many years ago, a moment in time where I chose to put Him first.  And I try to do that daily.  I mess up daily.  I tend to really like myself and want to make myself happy, but once in a while, God's Spirit will touch me and He will move.  I chose to become a Compassion Blogger because of this touch. I chose to teach Sunday School because of this touch.  I choose to write because of this touch.

I know that His love never fails. Whether it is a love for me, the children, or a simple tree.

His love never fails.

Do you have any verses that have transformed you that you might share with us?
  I would love to hear about them...

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