After ~ The Best Part
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Here is my Five Minute Friday thoughts coming and my little fingers typing:
The topic for today:
It was after the egg hunt.
After the little legs scurrying for colored pieces of love left by the Easter Bunny all over the yard.
It was after the lunch of too much ham and just the right amount of not-the-dense-kind of too-thick cheesecake, but the just-right-fluffy tasty kind that Grandma makes.
It was after the sliding down the slide and hugging Papa for a photo.
It was after all that, that I saw this. This sweet face of contentment. This sweet face, resting in the shade, weary from a day well spent.
Her white dress reminding me of the fresh life of grace that we get in every new day because of what came after those three days.
I thank God for the after.