Tacos in the Tub Equals Perfection
I am linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday from Kate's super funny blog.
Every Friday you finish the sentence with some humor, words of wisdom, or the first answer that your seven year old gives you and you find a good picture to go with it.
I think this is my first. I was a little nervous. But, from a recent group that I just joined, I found a community where people are open, encouraging, and quick to be helpful. They make you want to join in the fun and write!
And today's Finish the Sentence is...
If I could live anywhere, I'd live...
...in my bathtub.
Is this one mine? No, I totally wish it was, although I did look up other ones and there was another one I was wishing to make my own...in the kitchen!
How perfect would that be?!
A little sudsy time, a homemade pizza, more suds, and pie.
My bathtub is THE happiest place on earth, excluding Disneyworld. Although one of the last times I was at The Magical Kingdom, I was nursing the ENTIRE time and
missed almost everything good.
missed almost everything good.
My glorious bathtub has sweet candles to set the mood for some fun in the tub.
And by that, I mean a glass of Pepsi, some Twizzlers, and a really good magazine
that I just got from Costco.
And by that, I mean a glass of Pepsi, some Twizzlers, and a really good magazine
that I just got from Costco.
And, I even have bath salts from Hawaii! One of my girlfriends goes there with her family EVERY year. I know...Who does that?! She is a kind sweet mama whose kids are the only ones around who can ever finish the license plate game in less than a LIFETIME!
My bath tub is a also bubbly one. A whirlpool one. Funny how I have no problem sitting in a hot tub at some random hotel pool where fifteen thousand other people have done who knows what
and I get totally grossed out when my husband takes a bath and says,
and I get totally grossed out when my husband takes a bath and says,
"You can use my water if you want."
My bath is where I dream, rest, read, and if I could pull of eating a late night snack of Taco Bell while watching The Office and still somehow remain in the tub, it would be as close to an earthly living place perfection as it could get.
Feel free to link up and read some other writers and all the places they would want to live!
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