Such a Long Day {Story} - Five MInute Friday

He asks me a question.

I was tired.  It had been a long day.  One too many nights going to bed late because we were "on vacation" and you just can't go to bed early if you are spending time with your cousins. But when little bodies get weary from the waves and little minds play tricks on the souls during the night, it doesn't seem worth it.

And yet, as I tuck him in after a day full of new freckles and captured crabs, the taste of salt still on his lips, I see the content look in his eyes.  Happy because he did get one more chance to body surf and that one more Twizzler stick, and we got to sing one more song.

And so even though I am tired, and I so want to just go off and read (and perhaps join a late night party myself), I say, "Yes. Yes, I will read you a story..."  And it is all worth it.

My photos are not loading, but may these words encourage you to say yes to being a part of His story today.

So excited to link up with Lisa Jo for Five Minute Friday! Please come join us here for a wonderful community.