Things I Learned In November {My Allume Post}


(But it really it happened in October)


(But lots of links to wonderful ladies - You're welcome.)

Avatar faces and words from an online blogger are wonderful, but when you get to meet them for real…God comes down and gives real hugs!In October, I was be able to go to Allume, an amazing blogging conference. I was blessed by real life hugs, sweet times of connecting on the couch, and encouragement and prayers of kindred soul sisters. I guess I always knew this, but I really experienced the fact that every person we meet will touch our lives in different ways and we can learn something from everyone:20131026_172210 I was blessed by the encouragement of Rachel who I knew from our very first interaction online that we were heart sisters. I learned that an open seat can be the best way to an open heart. And now I know we will be forever friends.     20131024_160737 On the first night, I got to meet two women who have touched me with their words online. (And they taught me how to take a selfie – I think ours is one of the best ever taken.  My teenage daughter, I am sure, would agree!)   20131024_160712 But even more importantly, Lisa and I laughed over our kids who sometimes want to go live with other families and I learned that a Mama who will fight for those little souls is what my children truly need.     20131024_160721 And as Ann shared how to really shine bright for Jesus, we need each other, she also taught me the value of prayer when she held my neck tight and whispered to keep praying.     20131027_111708God intervened and gave me the best possible roomies anyone could ask for. Brianna, Shelly, and Laura are treasures in this life. I am so very thankful for talks of hope for the future and I learned late night prayers can often be the best.   20131027_104718 And from sweet Robin, I learned that God brings those together that he wants as friends, even if you miss the first time.  His timing is perfect. (Because although I wanted to, there was no way I was going to get up for that 6 am meeting!)    20131024_165053And I learned that coming home is more than a place, but a feeling of grace from dear Amber. To be welcomed into her story is a sweet gift that God gave me.     1379372_10151784622557730_425426079_nAnd these sweet ladies taught me that Photo shoots can be fun if you are with people that you adore! Each of these beautiful women (Kathy, Jacque, September, Annie, and Kate) shine for Jesus and it is an honor that I got to be with them for this weekend of fun. They taught me the value of laughter, creative art, and Instagram!   20131024_113214These ladies played a special part even before I got to Allume and I love that they were one of the first ones I got to see. These are fellow soul sisters who cheer for me, pray for me, and gave me oodles of wisdom this weekend and after. I am thankful for Becky, Denise, Julie, Crystal and Tonya. I even met Vanessa and Mel for fun chats. Their smiles teach me that community is needed wherever you are. And especially on Thursday Nights (when I make it).   20131026_095921 Oh, and this heart sister, Jennie, taught me that I need to give it all up and get right with Him before I can even think about doing anything for His glory. I treasure our talk of the IF:Gathering and the way each of us can affect the next generation. Now, if I only would have learned where she got that great necklace!  20131025_080505And this woman taught me that you just have to say YES when God calls. And Kristen taught me to be flexible with book titles.  She is full of grace and so real. My dream is to visit this Holy place that God is building in Kenya. But for now, I praise God for his gift. We all can be a part of it. And you can help right now. An amazing story of hope.   20131025_163758 And although I had read the words of these ladies, meeting these women reminded me that God has a plan that is unique to each of us.   Each of their stories are different, yet they each reflect God’s message of hope. My story is not like anyone else’s story.  And God will create beautiful art through what He has given me. I am thankful for Myquillan, Melanie, and Emily.  20131024_204534And God gave me a lovely gift when he allowed me a chance to be with a woman who encouraged me before she ever met meJennifer taught me that it is important to take the time to connect.And this was one of the very best blessings - the kind of thing that makes your heart warm and your nose tingle!  Some people will come into your life and they will touch you forever.  I am so glad that God gave me the gift of connecting with Holley a few years ago. Holley taught me that friendship knows no time and boundaries.  God graciously allowed us to be together again and the sweet time sharing our lives on the couch in the (in)courage room was a highlight for me. I am deeply grateful for the way she encourages me, prays for me, and just makes me smile.20131024_160556 And I have to show the creative mastermind behind this year’s conference.  Logan taught me that if something is worth anything, it most likely will never be easy. Her joy in serving these ladies and her enthusiasm for communicating, God, and life is contagious and good. I look forward to coming back next year for more time of growth and fun.   There were more women that I met and even more I didn't meet (whose photos are not obviously here), whose stories I know from the words that they share, and yet when I saw some of them face to face, I wanted to sit down and talk and get to know the deeper part of each story.  Sitting across the table was not enough.  I should have went to say, "Hi" or talked more to a lunch seatmate. (I'm looking at you, Deirdra, DawnAmberMichelle, Stacey, EdieJennySarah and Tsh) Sitting "flesh to flesh" and sharing hearts was sweet and to feel a hug was real life comfort (That was all you, Anna) and to get a thoughtful homemade gift from one who tweets encouragement and care was such a blessing (Thanks again Andi).  Even for the one who shared her straightener all weekend (So thankful for Becky)...from each of these women and those that shared a smile in the elevator or brief chat in the lunch line or on the bus ride home (I love that we talked about books, Christin), I learned that every connection will influence someone. So I need to make every connection count so that I may encourage all of those around me and refresh these souls.So many lessons in one weekend- more than I could have ever imagined. But that is how God works.  When you just show up, He can do more than you ask or can even imagine.  He just wants you to show up. What lesson have you learned from someone or what new thing did you learn this month? Or anything that has encouraged you lately? Please share with us!