In Which I Choose Today

DSCN1661I crawl in next to her and get under the covers and I hold her close.  I touch her head and I whisper good night again because I still tuck her in even though she is a lady girl wrapped in her daddy's shirt.And I whisper to her and to myself how much I love her and that I am proud and because I am in a thinking mood,  I ask if she remembers when she used to write me notes that asked if she could have an "L" or an "S" which meant a Layover or a Sleepover.A Layover is when she would sleep in our bed until Daddy took her back into her own bed and a Sleepover is when she got to sleep in the middle all night long.She doesn't write those notes very often. And I told her she could write one of she wanted. And she smiled half sleepy with dreams of 8th grade volleyball games and Lego movies with friends.And I have the choice.  I can choose to be sad and to wish I could relive those days of peanut butter kisses and princess tea parties or I can choose to enjoy this moment that I have with this teen who loves Jesus and still chooses to stay home to have a family movie night with us. I can choose to dance with her when she laughs and hold her when she cries.For choosing to live in this moment leads to time well spent. For time with my little girl and in my whisper of a minute on earth. 

 "That will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realized it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever. We must take it or leave it.”

C.S.LewisI am choosing to join Lisa-Jo to all write on one word (for only five minutes) and share the stories of hope and grace and brave life flowing in every choice we make. Join us?