Inspire Me Monday - Week Ten

Inspire Me Monday cropped 250x250Happy Monday!In my head I am singing, "Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory!" My Daddy sang that to wake us up almost every Sunday when I was a kid. I love that memory, but I do not like getting up. At all. Let's just say I am NOT an early morning person.But when you have something fun to look forward is a lot easier to get up, isn't it? So, for today, I am giving you four fun things to get excited about: FREEBIES!  And they are from amazing ladies who you must meet.A sweet friend, Dawn, shares her gift of photography with the world and has the greatest download calendar that I found. When you need to schedule that Spring Break trip, this is the perfect place to do it:March Desktop CalendarTsh, who just wrote a new bookhas a site of tips and words and simple living.  And with any type of traveling coming up, I found this from her and wanted to pass it on:Family Road Trip Packing ListAnd when you are on that trip or even at home in the midst of chaos here are some peace giving promises from Renee  that will guide your heart into confident living:Peace Giving Promises Lastly, when you need prayer on that trip or anytime else, this sweet gal Shelly, has a place to put your prayers: Prayer Request Link UpEnjoy these inspirations and may you have a happy Monday and blessed week! ...Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory....ahhh, now that will be in your head for the're welcome! ;)Pass on today's freebie fun:Need a little Inspiration and some FREEBIES? Join us for the fun! {click to tweet} If you have a minute, please go say HI to our sweet hostesses. These friends make the most of their moments with sweet words, photos, and inspirations. And starting in May, we will be having guest hostesses! I cannot wait!Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Natalie {Facebook, Twitter}, and Robin {Blog, Twitter}And here is where we make it easy to share a little love - just copy this code to put in your blog post.

 Angie Ryg

 So now it is your turn...We all need a little inspiration.Rules are easy peasy:1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or several. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you or a tutorial on making your own wrapping paper. Anything goes.2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Make sure you go get some inspiration from other bloggers, but especially the one right before you and give a little comment encouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!