Saying Yes in My Mess - Five Minute Friday
"And I realized these girls were watching us intently, learning how to mother, how to love, what a family looks like." Kristen WelchOh, these sweet words from an author that I admire and that one day would love to sit down and have a really long chat with because the first time I came across her blog, and told my husband her story, he said, "She sounds like you could be friends." But I didn't get the whole you can actually meet someone online and then meet them in real life and know you would want to live next door to them thing (I am looking at you Lisa-Jo) like I do now. So I read her words in a proposal form and then go to meet her at Allume (a must-go beautiful conference) and she is just as lovely as her writing. And she is just as authentic and real. And so I was so blessed to be able to help launch her book out into the whole wide world with a fun giveaway! {Check out the bottom of this post!} Now for the five minute word. In light of this launching, the previously mentioned Lisa-Jo does this crazy little absolutely fun five minute thing and I have been joining in off an on for a couple years."I'm starting to believe that the more we get used to saying “Yes” to the small things, the easier those big, life-changing yeses will become," said Lisa-Jo. Lately, my life has seemed to be in such a state of mess that I have not done more than one blog post in a week in I don't know how long. I am saying yes in this little thing so that I will start to say yes in the big things.And the choice for her word is mess. So here goes five minutes:GOI read those words up there about the women watching intently and I know that I have little eyes that watch me intently. Eyes that see my pinched lips. Ears that see my shoulders slump. Hands that wipe away the tears when they spill over because of one more mess that I have made, whether it is in the losing of my patience or in the hurting of a heart when you see a friend lose a life while living for the Lord. And these little lives are watching to see what it is like to love and how to be in our family and oh Dear Lord, I need Your help to raise these little ones in our family. Because it doesn't matter if you open up a house for Jesus in the slums if Africa or choosing what activities for your kids, Jesus is with you. He wants to give you rest (Thanks for these ideas, Deidra) and He wants to be your cheerleader.He wants to take my mess and make it His yes. And that is what I want those little eyes to see.STOP(Except for those awesome links. . . those took forever tonight! My poor daughter is trying to sleep next to me and the bright light is keeping her up!)So come on and join us and for any one enters and shares a God sized dream that they have in the mess of their life will be entered to win a free copy of Rhinestone Jesus.
This book is so good y'all! It tells the story of a woman who found herself in the middle of a God-sized dream that she didn't know she had but knew she was supposed to live. From marriage confessions to mommy chaos, Kristen shares what it really looks like to live for Jesus.So what God sized dream do you think he has for you? I would love to pray for you for that!I will announce the winner next Friday!!a Rafflecopter giveaway