Inspire Me Monday - Week Eighteen {Hello Guest hostess!}

hot cocoa Ahhhhhhhhh, the crazy weekend is over. Come, sit down for some hot cocoa.Mother's Day Weekend. . .It might have been crazy because you traveled or because you prepared for guests at your home.  It might have been hectic because you tried to have everything perfect or it might have been lonely because you are longing to be a Mother but God has not granted that dream yet. Perhaps it was like every other weekend, but now you just need someone to say, 'You can do it!" and hey, here is a fun thing you can try or a wonderful word from the Lord. Well, you have come to the right place. This little space on Mondays is a wonderful place to share hope, encouragements and inspirations.  This community gives everything from easy recipes to deep dreams. And today, we have a guest hostess that is going to pop on over to visit all of your spaces!  Her name is Sarah and she is one person who I would love to just sit down and share some cocoa! She is warm, encouraging, and she loves to look for the surprising adventure that God gives us in each day. Here is just a little bit of her inspiring writing: 

I have a beautiful home. It’s in Kansas City while I live a few states away in Utah.

When my husband and I bought this home a few years ago, we felt like we were getting our dream home 15 years early. We won the lottery and we were giddy.

Not only that, but the house sits in an area of KC that is full of diversity and full of culture.

And did I mention the options of chickens in the backyard (dream)? Or the community gardens?

When we moved to KC, we were full of expectation, vision, and hope. We were so excited to be a part of a diverse culture, unbothered by crime rates, and excited for the legitimate impact we could make in such a beautiful, historic city.

Four years later, the home is still mine but I only lived in it for one year. A year of memories both beautiful and harsh. A year so complex it would take a long chat and a good cup of coffee to discuss.

My husband and I have enjoyed many different seasons of life. We’ve had seasons of life full and vibrant. They bring birth of vision and hope. You see the dreams and hopes you desire fulfilled and come to life. You see fruit. It’s beautiful and full.

We’ve had seasons of mourning. Seasons when we have done everything we can, praying all we can, hoping all we can, and still there is death. Death comes in many forms. Sometimes death is physical and sometimes emotional. You can experience the death of a loved one, death of a friendship, death of a relationship. Or maybe the end of a job or the death of a season in life.

But, I am back in this house I love for a week overseeing repairs, and I am wondering. What about the seasons in-between?

As I sit and listen to my children run around and play, I am reminded of all the hope and all the love. Vision and dreams come easily in this house and I realize I am stuck. I’m stuck somewhere between two seasons. I have mourned my loss and come to terms with my time and the end of my season here yet one walk through this house and a fresh affection comes rising back up in my heart.

It’s difficult and confusing.

Have you ever felt this way? No tangible movement is opening doors to allow me to embrace the feelings rising in my heart yet something lingers and makes it seem impossible to file this all neatly in my past.

I am standing open handed wondering what to do as I walk forward in life. I’m standing open handed willing to mourn the loss I feel. I am standing open handed willing for this part of my life to take its place in my story.

And there is no movement. If anything there are too many days when the dreams and hope for this house and this place resurges. There is confusing dissidence in my heart about what it all means.

I’m ready for resolution and find none.

I find the in-between uncomfortable and surprising. I find myself fighting for patience and struggling to stay uncomfortable in the dissidence instead of insisting or creating resolution.

Sometimes hard. Sometimes discouraging. Sometimes I am just really ready to move on in my life.

And I don’t have a lot of answers.

But, I know as I sit here in this house and feel the dissidence that God is good. He has shown himself kind to me. I trust that He guides me to good places. I know if He isn’t in a hurry to resolve this for me then it’s ok. And so I determine to wait patiently.

Because, I can’t see the future and what He is planning.

And I want to be in this adventure with Him and let Him weave a beautiful, surprising story with my life.

Isn't that just so good?  I want that weaving story in my life!  She will be guest posting next week here with a brand new post but go ahead and link up so we can go visit you and know all of these amazing inspirations this week! And, we will be choosing other hostesses as well for future times!

If you have a minute, please go say HI to our sweet hostesses. These friends make the most of their moments with sweet words, photos, and inspirations.Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Natalie {Facebook, Twitter}, and Robin {Blog, Twitter}and for the next three weeks:Sarah {Facebook, Twitter}And here is where we make it easy to share a little love - just copy this code to put in your blog post.

 Angie Ryg

 So now it is your turn...We all need a little inspiration.Rules are easy peasy:1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or several. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you or a tutorial on making your own wrapping paper. Anything goes.2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Make sure you go get some inspiration from other bloggers, but especially the one right before you and give a little commentencouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!And for a little thank you for being part of this community, I am giving away a $15 gift certificate to Panera so that you can get yourself a nice warm cup of cocoa! Just link up and you will be entered! I is just my way of saying you are loved and important and together we can do this thing called life! XO