Inspire Me Monday - Week Twenty - Four
Happy Monday! I made it! It is Monday!And I have someone that I really want you to meet this week! This lady inspires me with her humor and the hope that she brings mamas out there! I got the blessing to guest post on her site and I am signing her praises for her new book! Please come check Kathi Lipp out! I pray this post inspires you that even bad Mondays can bring inspiration! When this group of #InspireMeMonday ladies got together, we wanted to kick start a great community, and it has been so fun to connect with everyone! Thank you for joining me every week and sharing your ideas, your tips, your reflections, your recipes, your beauty! It has been the highlight of my blog! Let's be honest, for the last 24 weeks, it has been the only thing on my blog! That is going to change. For the next two months, I am going into a Sabbatical of sorts. I have realized that I have been trying to write just to write instead of living and writing from my life - from my story.We are going to take some time off of Inspire Me Monday. And my blogging will look different. If I have something to write, I am going to write it, but I want to go down deep to where my story is - where the story of my family is - where the the story of my faith is.I want to be still a bit to hear from God. I want to go back to my writing and seeing the precious in the moments. I want to read more of others, read more of Him, and write the story he gave me. I want to explore why I write and what I write. In fact, I have a few writer friends that have encouraged me, and inspired me in this writing thing that burns in my heart. You will hear more about them in a few days!Sign up for email updates so you don't miss a thing!But for now, please check out these wonderful ladies!!! These beautiful hostesses and friends. . . Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Natalie {Facebook, Twitter}, and Robin {Blog, Twitter}And here is where we make it easy to share a little love - just copy this code to put in your blog post.
So now it is your turn...We all need a little inspiration.Here are "The Rules" ~1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or several. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you or a tutorial on making your own wrapping paper. Anything goes. For next week - The challenge is a recipe!2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Make sure you go get some inspiration from other bloggers, but especially the one right before you and give a little comment love!