Introducing...Inspiring People to Meet

I have been taking a break from Inspire Me Monday for the summer. But I am sharing a little summer inspiration for you today!kateMy friend, Kate invited me to do this super fun Writer's Bog Hop thing with her. It's kind of like those chain letters you get about recipes or Bible verses but instead of bad things happening because you broke the chain, you get the blessings of meeting other people on this great big web and making it a little more cozy in the process!And I am so glad I *met* Kate.  Well, I have not met her yet in real life, but I am waiting for the day that we get to hug in real life and sit and have tea and scones. I love tea already and apparently scones are a big thing in South Africa which is where she used to live.  Kate and I were in an (in)courage writing group together and her words bring hope and descriptions that make you really want to eat the a fore mentioned scones. She is working on two books right now and if you want to get lost in some good writing, go on over to her sweet little place called Heading Home. Ooh, and another fun little fact that is actually quite news breaking is that she is going to start hosting the infamous Five Minute Friday for Lisa-Jo Baker.karenAnother writer friend who I am just waiting to meet is an encouraging woman who puts her heart into her posts with research to back it up! I am so jealous that she gets to go to seminary right now, but I am cheering her on! I know Karen from Redbud Writer's Guild and she asked me to do the same hop. Karen  is someone that I immediately knew that I could live next door to and share cups of tea and parenting victories and wonders. She is a reason that I love social media because without it, I would not be able to see her sweet family and get amazing wisdom about writing! Hop on over to their sites and prepare to be welcomed into beautiful writing and encouraging wisdom! So in this fun hop, I am asked to answer four questions: 1. What am I writing or working on? I have wanted to write a book since I first wrote The Story of Legend Lake when I was in seventh grade. When I started my first blog it was to share the crazy moments of motherhood and how they connect to joy and to Jesus. Then I went to my name as my address as I was writing more articles and thought that is what writers did. But to be honest, I still choke a bit when I call myself a "writer" as if it is not enough unless the crowds call you such. I am working on that. For a while, I lost what I was really working on. I lost my passion and my voice. Taking a break from the worn keys and resting in what God is teaching me, I am slowly getting my voice back. I am in the middle of reworking this blog to what I really feel like God is calling me to do and I am so excited about that!  It has to do with other projects that I am working on right now. One big thing is a message that I will be giving to some women in India about the worth of a woman. I am humbled and excited and my fingers tremble with all the goodness that God gives to his children. 2. How does my work differ from others of it genre?My work differs because it is what I am living out.  My life. What I see. What I experience. But then I intertwine the gospel of Jesus and the amazing rescue story into the tiny details of the whisper of these moments hoping to remind myself and encourage others to find the joy and the beauty in everyday.3. Why do I write what I do?Because I honestly cannot NOT write. I tried. I really did. Some days it would be easier to shut the computer off, but I have tiny connections that God shows me and I have to write them down. Like little jewels, that are not hidden, but just waiting to be found about God. His story intertwines in mine and through this, I learn to feel. I see these connections so much better when I write them. When I write, I pray His glory may be shown through those moments when another one says, "Me too!"4. How does my writing process work?I sit and look at my children and a word will set me off to a dream of what God could do with me if I was as brave as my daughter or as kind as my son. I snap at my husband and realize that I sometimes snap at God when all He wants to do is give me good gifts. I take these moments in and let them steep, using journals, or my computer, or the backs of envelopes to keep my ideas until they are ready to be sent out into the world! And I pray. I am learning that more and more - to just sit and rest and pray. So that is it!  And now for the super fun part. Here are a few writer friends that I have been blessed to connect with in different areas. They are women that I am so happy to introduce you to today! They inspire me in many ways and they have amazing words, ministries, and stories that will encourage you today! I really got to know Michelle at Raising Generations Today conference when we were folding programs and then went out to dinner together. She has a heart for her kids and a heart to share Jesus through her writing and co-founding the Declare Conference. That smile? Yep...always there!bio pic 2014Michelle is wife to a wonderful, funny guy, who has been by her side since 1995. They have two ridiculously fun boys, and own a small business together, which is just the tip of the iceberg of their busy lives. Having given up on trying to do it all, she’s learned to focus on following God’s lead in her life. Michelle writes to encourage, teach, and equip women to learn to be still, to listen and follow God.  I have connected with Karina online and our paths have crossed in multiple online groups. Her encouraging words and authentic voice will capture your heart and mind.  She just joined the (in)courage writing team and it will be such a blessing!karinaKarina - I am a devoted follower of Jesus! I love singing, writing, reading, acting and dancing. I am the artsy girl! I love teaching and mentoring the next generation, serving and missions. I love the local church especially the one I attend, Healing Place Church. I love ALL things Mexican...My second home is Monclova in Coahuila, Mexico. I love my Pastors and my friends. They are like family to me. And I absolutely LOVE concerts, conferences and retreats! But the most important thing to me is that I live out Isaiah 26:8. May Everything I do be For His Name and His Renown. Angie is a friend that I met late at night - reading online posts. We messaged back and forth about prayer requests and praises from Jesus. She has a wonderful ministry in her family and encouraging mothers at Redeeming Childhoodangie toplinAngie has been married to Isaac for 15 years and have been blessed with six children ranging in ages from 4-14! She describes herself as an ordinary woman with an extra-ordinary God. Inspired by everyday life as a stay-at-home-mom, Angie writes on faith, parenting, marriage and relationships on her personal website, Leaving a Legacy. She is the author of Redeeming Childbirth: Experiencing HIs Presence in Pregnancy, Labor, Childbirth and Beyond and the Growth & Study Guide. One of her passions is mentoring younger moms through the childbearing season as they prepare for this life-long journey of motherhood. On any given day you can find Angie gardening, working in their families hobby vineyard, homeschooling her children, or out and about dating her husband and spending special time with each of her kiddos. She loves authentic relationships, girl’s nights out! I hope you check these ladies out. Subscribe to their bogs if you want encouraging words. And you can thank me later for introducing you to thee great writers!Have a Happy Happy Monday!XO