Movie Munchies

I just got back from a wonderful night out with a friend of mine.  She also has four children. We have known each other for years.  We have shared play dates and prayer requests.  She is a joy to be around and my movie go-to friend!  We specialize in funny chick flicks, but have seen the occasional serious film.  Oh, I don't know...Is "All About Steve" serious?

We had a great night filled with refreshing MOMents.

I got her text 24 hours late asking me if I wanted to catch a late night movie, but it still worked out for tonight.  I was very excited.  The last thing my husband said to me before I left was, "You are not going to get all your food, right?"

"My food" means my movie munchies:

My Sweet Treat:

A Classic

Then, my salty chew:

Fill half way, add lots of butter, fill to the top, add more butter.

 Then, my drink...never Diet...

 And the straws to go with the drink:

It really does work.  Bite off both ends and enjoy!

I get these every time I go to the movies.  And I seriously eat the whole time.  It makes watching the movie more fun.

I think we forget sometimes that we are supposed to have fun.  We were made to laugh, we were created to smile.  Can't you imagine the smile in God's face as he created the sweet bunny, or the laughter as he thought up the camel?

He created friends to bring us joy.  Marriages to bring us fun.  Children to bring us laughter.

Yes, the Christian life can be hard.  The bible tells us it is like a race.  Races are not easy.  God never promised us easy.

But in His wonderful creation of life, he did create fun, laughter, and joy.

And I am pretty sure he helped the guy who created Twizzlers!

Enjoy a moment of joy and laughter this week!
