I am an Heiress!

I just joined a new Bible Study group tonight.  It was filled with some ladies I have known for years, and some I just met tonight.  I am excited to learn and grow with these women who shared struggles and joys in their lives.  I am thankful for the sharing as it brings us closer and gives us specific things to pray for.  And I look forward to the sharing that is to come.  I mostly look forward to growing in God's word.

Our study is a wonderful Beth Moore study:

I am about to head for bed, but cannot get this verse out of my head, nor do I want to.

 The lines have fallen

 for me in pleasant places;

    indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6

English Standard Version

My King
The Creator of all that is good,
Has called me His child
His Daughter
His Beloved

I am an Heiress in His Riches:
In faith and forgiveness
In glory and goodness
in love.

Moving over to let him take over
Getting ready for the wild ride

I want reckless abandonment
but still have fear.

I want Godly glory,
but still have questions.

He knows this, and loves me still.

May my love for Him grow stronger
May my year be one for Jesus
And may I never grow bored.

I pray that I will show my daughter that she is an heiress as well.
I pray I will show my sons that they are called to be His heirs.
And I pray that I will not forget His whisper that says,
"You belong to me."

May you have MOMents of royal joy this week!
