31 Day Challenge - Day One - You are the Apple of His Eye

Hey Girls!

I am so glad we are doing this together!

Check it out:

Okay, remember the deal is this:

We try to get up every morning to read these Bible devotions for 7 straight days!

Here is our first day - Monday:

How many of you had a hard time getting up this morning?

Isn't it funny how we can make sure we have enough time to do our hair, make up, take the dog out, but find it hard to have time to make sure our heart is ready for the day?

There are many places in God's word where it talks about Jesus doing God's work "early in the morning."

Not just, "got up."
Not just, "when he had time."
Not just, "if he didn't have homework."

..."Early In The Morning."

God led me to the name of this blog from the verse:                                  Mark 1:35
 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Jesus knew that He could only do God's work when He was filled with God's power.  Whether it was healing, comforting, or telling others about God, He was filled with wisdom and power.  We can also follow His example and be ready to 

heal: a broken relationship with forgiveness
comfort: a friend who got her feelings hurt by a rude comment
tell others:  about who Jesus is in our life 

Jesus promises us that His word is living and enduring:

1 Peter 1:23
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

Through this living word, God also reminds us that we are special:

Psalm 17:8
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Do you know that?  Do you feel that?  Does how you live show that?  In a world of insecurity and the world telling us we have to look a certain way, have a boyfriend, or have all the latest electronic gadgets, He reminds us that we only need Him.

You are chosen.  You are blessed.
He has called you His own.
May you know His love today
And what His life has shown

That you were created for Him
Created for Care
His death on the cross
So that Eternity we might share!

May you feel His amazing love for you today!

I am praying for you all!

Again, our challenge is to get up early and spend time with Jesus, 

so if you are reading this Early in the Morning...Great!!

If it is another time, you are still reading the Living Word and Jesus is going to do mighty things with this time.  

I am so excited to see how each of us will grow.

Warning:  Satan will try to distract you.  He does not like young ladies making a difference for Jesus. 

What are your thoughts this morning?
