Day Two - He takes our Bags, Baskets, and Bins

"We have guests coming over.  Just please, clean up your room!"

How many times have you heard this from one of your parents?

Well, I said that to my kids the other day.

So my daughter did what she had seen me do a few times when I found out an unexpected visitor was stopping by.

She jammed a bunch of stuff into bins and baskets!

We call it the Jam Shove Fest.  Oh yeah, it's never so bad as dishes in the oven or anything like that, but I have been known to fill the laundry room and shut the door! :)

And to top it off, I told her she had to go through all of it before she could call her cousin for a playdate!

Now, in my daughter's defense, some of the stuff was her brothers'.  And a lot of the items were clothes that didn't fit or had to be put away.  So she got rid of them but ended up with bags and baskets and bins of "things that needed to be taken care of."

Now the thing was, she felt overwhelmed by these bags, baskets and bins.  (Please note that I did ask her if I could tell you this!)  And who wouldn't be?!  It was stuff she didn't really want, some of it not even hers, and a lot of it to sort through! But she didn't know what to save, what to give to the needy, what to throw away...

I wanted the things to be sorted through, but I also wanted her to be able to spend time with her cousin.

So I told her that I would take that job from her.  In my love for her, I would go through the bags.  If she gave me permission, I would take on the job of sorting through what is important and what can be thrown away.

When she agreed to give me that job, she felt so much better.  She was free to not worry about it and even have the joy of having fun with her cousin.

It is exactly what Jesus wants to do for us:

Matthew 11:29-30

New International Version (NIV)
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus wants to give us that rest.  He wants to be the one that sorts out our lives for us.  He wants us to give Him our Bags, Baskets, and Bins:

Bags of Insecurities - Am I important?
Baskets of Pride - I am better than those people!
Bins of Fears - What will the future look like?

And in return...He will find rest for your souls.  That does not mean you will never be tired.  I was tired this morning getting up early.  It means He will have rest for your soul.  A soul safe for eternity and a soul that can grow while we are on earth.  Because He will teach us... teach us!  I never noticed that word in that verse before:  learn.

We will learn through the process of giving these things to Him.  If we cling to these things, we are missing what He has in store for us.

If my daughter held onto those bags, baskets, and bins, she would have never had the fun time of hanging with her cousin.  

In the same way, Jesus might have some kind of adventure, some kind of blessing, for each of us if we let go of our fears, pride, and insecurities.

Malachi 3:10
...Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessingthat there will not be room enough to store it.

I would encourage you, ladies, today to think about what you are hanging onto that you need to give over to Jesus and allow Him to worry about it instead of you.

Is it a jealousy that you have over what your friends get to do that you don't?
Is it a fear of sickness in you or others?
Is it a hectic schedule that leaves no time for Jesus?
Is it a frustration with a certain relationship?


What bags, baskets, and bins are you holding onto? jealousy, fear, etc.

Has there been a time in your life when you have felt Jesus' presence?  If so, would you please share it?

Just For Fun:  What is one good organizational tip for your room? 

Take time to pray right now and ask Jesus to take that burden.  He will in turn, give you the freedom to know He is taking care if it in His way.  You will learn what His rest looks like, what His comfort feels like, what His grace is. 

Praying for you Girlies!
