Friday Letters

Friday Letters

Dear Special Blessings,

You make my life more fun. More complete. More tiring. More surprising.  I can't imagine any MOMent without you. All the joy that Daddy and I have is doubled, no, quadrupled because of you. I love the way you laugh together. I love the way you snuggle during family movie night. I love the way you play together.  
We love you so much
Now which one of you put all those leaves on the trampoline?!

Dear Broken Monkey Pillow,

I am sorry about your arm.  You were just loved way too much.  Well, that or whipped around too much. Or flipped too much. If we stick your fingers to the velcro patch, it helps a little, but then you kinda look like you have an arm coming out of your ear. 
 I will see what I can do tonight to fix you up.  
At least you still have the other arm. 
For now...

Dear  Magazines,

Why are you so tempting?  Each of you promises change, hope, and a new way to create the perfect Thanksgiving.  Plum and Sour Cream Stuffing.  Who knew? I want to read you, but time slips away and you are only taking up prime real estate on my bedroom floor.  
You must forgive me.  I must say good bye soon.  You will be gone. Well, you will not be totally gone.  The Bug Whisperer wants to make an animal collage.  I am so sorry...

Dear Honey Pie,

Thanks for taking the day off today.  I love to see you do everyday life with us.  Wouldn't it be so fun if we were rich and you were retired and we could stay home together with our Blessings.  Or we could go to the Shedd Aquarium and visit the American Girl Store.  We could ride our bikes around our neighborhood?  What am I saying...if we were rich, we could go to Hawaii, the Holy Lands, Culver's every night! But I really am happy with today
No, really, I am. 
I am...

Dear Jesus, 

Thank you for these MOMents.

Super fun up here