I Will Follow...
I watch him go and I want to follow,
yet I don't want to disturb his walk
His tender tiptoes
With frequent stops to pick up an unusual leaf,
a misshapen rock
a treasure of wood
watching, wondering, waiting
for the next grace filled moment to capture his heart.
They come quickly
for he has no expectations,
but only delight.
He has no hidden agenda
no wishes beyond today
and in this moment,
this moment of peace
on a walk with his Daddy.
Oh, to have that peace,
that little expectation,
yet finding blessing beyond
that wish for a simple walk.
And then there it is:
that talk with a friend,
a hug from my child,
a promise kept,
a dream come true.
And I am brought back to a time
when that was all I needed,
that is all I do need
to inspire,
to encourage,
and I realize that time is now.
All I need
to hear that love whisper in my heart,
is a walk with my Daddy.
Thank you, My Jesus.
Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow you
I will follow you
~Chris Tomlin