How to Live Fully Alive in your Daily MOMents
A little girl lost high in the mountains with a frantic grandpa searching for her, constantly running to find her for three hours. After his energy is depleted, his heart broken, and his soul spent, he has but one prayer,
"God, you can take everything I have, you can even take me, but please do not take my little girl."
The little girl was found miles up the mountain where the rescue helicopters were not hovering, where she shouldn't have been, where she shouldn't have been rescued. But in God's infinite grace, she was found by a couple hiking in the woods.
After the little girl was returned to her grandpa, he did not scold. He did not lecture. He did not ground her for life.
He wrapped the little girl in his arms and said, "I love you."
And in the back of his mind, he heard a small whisper, "And I love you."
When this man was willing to give up his life, he truly started to live.
Ken Davis told this story to a roomful of women at the She Speaks Conference. And in that moment, no one was worried about a book deal. No one was thinking about her next speaking engagement. All hearts were celebrating the return of one little girl.
In the same way, God celebrates when we finally come home.
He called us his child in order that we might have life and have it abundantly here on earth. That means we need to make this living thing worth it, ladies:
When we stop resenting and start forgiving.
When we stop comparing and start celebrating.
When we stop living a life of reaction and start making intentional choices of grace.
So this has spurred me on. My days need to be more intentional than just a To- Do list. I need to know why I am doing it in order to give myself the accountability and perseverance to continue.
I need to know the hope I am trying to live in order to release myself from the tension of my life in everyday MOMents:
After being filled with the power of God I can:
* Make a weekly meal list so that my stressed 5:00 whatdoyouwantfordinner meals are creative and healthy.
* Replace my children's exasperation from lack of quality time into scheduled fun date nights with my kids.
* Refresh myself from the stresses of today in order to be able to serve my husband in all ways...
* Get out of bed to exchange sleeping for fully living because of a quiet time.
When you know the "So what?" you will be more likely to stick with a goal.
What one thing are you going to do this week and why will you do it?
And while you do it, listen for that little whisper, "I love you." Not because you are doing it, but because you are His.