One Word for the Year - One Word of Prayer
Dear Readers, Family, Friends, and Jan on the plane yesterday that said she would look up my blog,
There is much talk these days about "living one word."
Choosing one word and focusing your year around that word,
that theme,
that goal,
that hope.
For our children, each one chose one word at the beginning of the school year:
one characteristic of Jesus that they would like to grow in for this year.
One chose Contentment.
One chose Compassion.
One chose Thankful.
One chose Love.
And by His grace, God gave opportunities to grow in those areas! Some were tough lessons, but they grew in wisdom and closer to Him.
It is a wonderful idea and I want to take it one step further:
One word prayers.
The fewer the words the better prayer. ~ Martin Luther
For each of my friends, I am asking them to give me one word that I can pray for them for this year.
Some, I chose for them.
For one, dealing with a husband who has cancer, I chose HOPE.
For another, going back to work after being a stay at home mother, I chose JOY.
For another, working on her doctorate, I chose ENDURANCE.
So many life paths to take, so many prayers to make.
John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
Please, let us cling to that part...that the Father may be glorified...
And put our hope in this part...I will do it...
May I please pray for you this year?
Comment below and share your word with me. Your name and one word of prayer will go down in my 2013 One Word prayer journal.
It would be my honor and blessing to pray for you all year long...