Comparing Once Again
Five Minute Friday is back!
Five minutes to write on the topic given here.
And readers from around the globe share the thoughts that come without revision, without editing.
(Okay, maybe a little editing...)
Here goes for
It happened again. That comparison thing. I couldn't help it. I just had to look. At her words. At her thoughts. At her life.
It looked so much better than mine. Her style. Her family. Her organized purse.
Again, I looked at her and looked at myself and felt less.
Is it always going to be less?
No, because again, I tell myself that I am loved by the King.
I am adored by my creator.
I am called his beloved.
And instead of comparing, I should be celebrating...
Celebrating this fact of my place in His royal family
And celebrating her a person
a friend
a fellow writer
a life
Because she is created by Him as well.
And I bet her purse is not ALWAYS organized that way...