An acronym for HOME - no laundry allowed!


I look around the floor and see the laundry strewn about.  I am wondering what other homes look like on a Friday morning?    I cannot possibly talk about laundry again.  I just cannot.  It is beginning to define my home.  It is beginning to define me.


H - Honor - I want my kids to honor one another.  Putting other's needs before their own. To look out for them, be loyal, let each other win while playing Big Deal.

O - Obey  - I desire my children to obey God's word as Truth, not becasue of fear of punishment. but out of a love for their Lord and the wanting to please Him. Oh, and ahem, I need to do that too.

M - Me - I am such a crucial part on making this house into a home and so often, I forget that.  God has chosen me to be passionate about these four kids, to be head over heels for my husband, and to bring glory to Him in all I do.

E - Excitement - I want my children to be as excited about spending time at home as going out.  I need to be intentional about ways to foster that excitement and love of home.  If it is a place filled with love, they will love being here. 

Dear God, you are the ultimate parent.  Please help me to make them feel your love today.

Enjoy your MOMents!

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