Our Daughters Deserve Better!

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I pray for my children.
I cry for my children.
I hope for my children.

And there are sometimes when I do all three.

Having one daughter and three sons, the world is telling me something different every day on how to raise them.  Instead of looking to the world for my ways, I constantly am driven to is the Bible which is God's truth.

I am involved with a wonderful ministry that wants to empower young girls to focus on the Truth in their lives instead of the lies that the world tells us.  I am joining up with them to promote a new campaign:

Our Daughters Deserve Better!

Please go to the link below and read on how the world is selling lies to our daughters and read on how we can make a difference.  May the Voice of Truth be heard, my friends...

Please click here to find out how you can help because our daughters deserve better.