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Get back the Simple Joy in Gift Giving
Ahhh, summer is here and I always start off with big plans of making my own Christmas gifts when I have more time. Yet, we all know summer can be just as busy as the school year. So this summer, my challenge is to keep gift giving simple, and if we can save a few bucks while doing it, well, that is just a bonus!
Tip One: Less is More
Take this time to be creative and you will find that simple gifts can often be the favorites. Especially for kids, make the wrapping a part of the gift, whether it is a blank campus or even just a yummy candy bar taped onto the present.
Tip Two: Make it in Multiples
If you get a great idea, do not just make one gift, make several of them. They can be used as hostess gifts or even birthday gifts in a pinch. If you will be doing any entertaining, they could even be used as goodies for the end of the party. Make sure to leave a tag for easy labeling.