Five Minute Friday ~ RYHTHM
The call came early in the morning. A little boy's sleepy head was still laying on my pillow. Snuggles left over from a scary dream.
The call came from my neighbor.
"Did you know your tree is on our deck?"
No. I. did. not.
I go look at the damage and wish that wind would not have come. And after further calls, we find that insurance will not pay. So, my husband does what he does best. He tackles it himself.
Well, not himself. My in-laws come to help. My Daddy shows up. Even my brother stops by to cut, haul, and clean up our mess. This is the rhythm of family.
When my children grow up, I want them to be willing to haul wood for their siblings. Not because they have to, but because that is just what family does.
Now, they are Popsicle slurping friends who love to jump on the trampoline together, but one day even when the Popsicles are all gone...because that day will come, I pray they will help each other out, for we each are one beautiful mess.
Enjoy your moments today, Friend!
I am linking up today with Five Minute Friday. Hop on over to
Lisa Jo's blog to get the whole story and check out some amazing writers who write for five minutes - no editing, no over thinking, no kidding - just sweet writing. You will be blessed!