The True Picture - Behind the Scenes

Today I am linking up with Crystal on her new link up called Behind the Scenes.  You share the photos and then you share the story.

The Photo ~

Early Blessing

The Story ~

Perfect Timing

We have about a hundred of photos similar to this.  Spanning about ten years, we have gone to Hilton Head every other year for one week of sweet refreshment and cousin fun.  All seventeen on my side of the family packs it up and drives sixteen hours to the beach.  My parents rent the house and we just have to get there.  It is a wonderful blessing and we have beautiful memories because of those vacations.

Now this sweet silhouette is hanging on the wall of our home.  It is a reminder of days filled with watching our kids play and actually sitting down and talking with loved ones.  It holds in it a hope of a new day and a dream of new beginnings.

It does not show the fact that we are not catching the sunrise because we wanted the perfect photo opportunity, but because this sweet little girl would get up at 5:00 am every. single. morning. It did not matter if we were at home or on vacation.  She was ready for the day.  And instead of waking up the rest of the family with giggles and questions on why the sand wiggles through your toes, we decided to go out for a walk and by God's sweet grace, we brought our camera and took this picture.

A little girl touching the sand.  Hopeful for some wiggles and fully expecting giggles.  Because God's grace will show up even when you are tired.  And even when you don't expect it.  And even on vacation.

And now we get up on purpose.  And we take a picture in the same spot each time.  Because now we are expecting something sweet and beautiful.  And each time, we get more than we expect.  In the same way, God blesses us more than we could ever imagine.  We might just have to get up a little earlier to see.

His timing is perfect.  What big things are you praying for right now?

Lining up with a lovely community that not only shares the photo, but shares the life. Come join us here to connect.