Five Minute Friday : In Between


I am linking up with Lisa Jo today for 5 minutes of writing, dreaming, and sharing.  Check out more here.5 minutes.One word (or, today, two).No editing.No over thinking.Just write.Go.In Between

I watch you hang the ornament and touch the one that looks like you.  All dressed up ready to go out for a Daddy/Daughter Dance.  In Between a baby and a young girl.
Not quite yet ready for twirls on your own, but needing a hand to hold.
  The satin dress shimmers and your smile sweetens and your Daddy watches your every move.  In the same way, our Heavenly Father watches us while we dance for Him.  He takes our hands, not quite ready for life and yet trusting Him for the dance.  For the song to come and our lives to be touched. May you always hold your Daddy's hand and may you always run to your Father - the one who holds the earth in His hands.
And may you, and may I
always twirl for Him
as we are in between these worlds of Earth and our Sweet Home.