God Sized Dreams
C.S.Lewis said it best when he said, "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."But maybe you don't feel old, but you feel like your dream is a not good enough, not holy enough, or not brave enough. What if you had a dream for so long and you think, if it is not happening, maybe it is the wrong dream?What if I have the wrong dream?And that sickly feeling of comparison, and uncertainty, and the lies start seeping in to say you do not deserve to dream.But then, the words of my amazing friend, Holley, who started this whole God Sized Dream Revolution come into my heart, and I feel it in my soul:"You will fail at some point. And you may even find that you have to let a dream go. But I can also tell you…You will become more courageous."So that becomes the dream...no longer just one accomplishment, just one restored relationship, or one event that you have desired for so long. It is the process of the dreaming that changes your soul. There is no right or wrong dream.In the end, it is not the dream coming true, but having dream is what changes you. So make your check lists, and set those baby step goals, but remember, the dream is what God does with the heart.May we join together to be a bit more brave, to hope for more, and to become more courageous.And may this new hope give us the freedom to dream God Sized Dreams!What is one God sized dream that you have for 2014?I am joining a God Sized Dream link up today. Link ups are such a wonderful way to meet new people or connect with friends! And we are starting a new one right here as well this year! Please come with your inspiring tips or posts and link up here on Mondays for the new Inspire Me Monday Link Up - A place where community can encourage each other to start off the week with inspiration.We are in this together!