Can you Change Your Life with Just One Word? My One Word - DWELL

Okay, so there is this thing that people have been doing for a while:Forgetting the lists of resolutions and focusing on one word.It has been around for a couple years and every year, I say I am going to do it, but then, you know what I do?  I ask other people for their words so I can pray for them.  Specifically. For that one word.Super spiritual?  Nope. It was kind of a cop out.I never had to pick a word.I did it again at New Year's Eve...asking my family for their words:wisdomdevotionpatiencepeacefaithfulnessfun (that was from my 8 yr old)It's a hard thing to do...really put your hopes and dreams and thoughts into one word.In the last few weeks, I think I kind of knew my word.  Well, I kept thinking and trying to focus and make sure, is this really my word?But, I knew.  In fact, I sent out a little twitter in the way of a blessing:And here is the picture that went with it:Bc6vinQCAAALNN0And I knew it was hidden in there...not in the pretty font,but just as a plain word...a callinga commandan urge...DWELLAnd you know how when God wants to tell you something, He shows up and puts it all over so you cannot even try to argue?  Yeah, so I read Lisa Jo's blog and she's all telling how she needs to be in the Word more and really memorize God's promises to hold it close. And it nudges me again...DWELL...And then Ann comes in with sharing how to have no fear and if you go over and take a look at her year in photos, you will see a simple photo just put there for me...a calling...a urge... DWELL.  Do you see that adorable little print? I am pretty sure that is created by my friend Annie over at Be Small StudiosAnd it rushes word and all the reasons that God wants me to be brave and small and serving and hopefulDWELLLet the Word of Christ DWELL in you richly. (Colossians 3:16)I read the Word, but do I let it consume me?  Dwelling richly in order to grab a hold of His promises and able to use them to comfort, to grow, to encourage, putting them in the deep parts of my soul so that I am not ever without them? I want a burning desire to read and know His Word.Blessed are those who DWELL in your house; they are ever praising you.( Psalm 84:4)I try to encourage mamas by sharing my mess that He can make into a masterpiece, but are my little ones praising me?  How can they praise a mama who is often short tempered or distracted?  I want to be so fully in the moment with these little ones while I have the chance. I want to dwell with them and make sweet eye contact for each conversation He allows us to have. And for my husband? I want our love not to be a selfish love, but one that rocks our family's world with its example of patience and giving and living small so that others get a big love. And all who enter our home, do they feel that the Lord himself dwells here?A psalm of David. LORD, who may DWELL in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? (Psalm 15:1)I struggle with my dwelling place often.  I even wrote a book about it.  But this dwelling place is not just mine. It is not my husband's. It belongs to more than just our family.  It is a Holy place and one where I want others to feel the love of Christ.  That doesn't mean that it is always perfectly clean, but it is not a cluttered mess. And it is always open to others. Oh, to make my dwelling place a haven of grace.Abandon your towns and DWELL among the rocks, you who live in Moab. Be like a dove that makes its nest at the mouth of a cave. (Jeremiah 48:26)And this one makes my tummy get all tingly because this verse was just found and for this one it is all about obedience.  I don't know what this looks like...what making my nest at the cave means to me, but I want to find out.  I do not want to dwell in the sameness, the comfortable, even in the comfort of dreams that I thought I had...I don't want to put God into a box. I don't want to settle for living what I know, but living for who I know loves me and that scares me a little because I know when the vessel is created, there are pokes and pushes. And it sometimes can break and then the pieces are put back together and something even more beautiful is created. Let me just tell you, I don't want to break...but i don't want to just sit on the shelf gathering dust's out there and now I can sleep. Well, at least His promise that I am not alone.How about you?  What word would you pick? If you have one word that you are going to live by this year, I wold love to pray for you.  Just leave it in the comments.