Inspire Me Monday - Kick Off Week

Inspire Definition Card 5x7 (2)To me, Monday mornings bring a sense of just that... a mourning.The loss of a weekend full of fun times with the kids,The loss of a more relaxed atmosphere,The loss of rest on Sunday to renew, refresh, and relax.But deep down, I want to be excited about something because life is just more fun when you are anticipating something, isn't it?  And my soul? It longs to expect something, to desire something, to want to create something that will matter.But sometimes I need someone to inspire me!An inspiration of:That perfect gift that will touch the heart of another,The easy, yummy, and fun snack that will delight my kiddos,That reflection on God's word that goes deep to His saving grace,That book that made my nose tingle and my heart heal.So I want to turn Mondays into a place where we can share our inspirations so that we can get excited about the week ahead of us.  Maybe we will try a few new things or the words we hear will touch us during our week.  Maybe the books we read will start the journey of another.  You can even share what inspired you from last week.I love new ideas, don't you? I desire this inspiration for a life well lived.We have a sign right by our front door that says:momentsI want each moment to matter this year.  I want to encourage, inspire, and refresh with each encounter I have.  So a few friends have gathered together to invite you to share those wonderful ideas, recipes, thoughts, tips, lists, decorations, songs...anything that you think will inspire.And here is mine for this Monday:This is a quote from my good friend, Holley,  who I plain adore.  I have scraps of paper with her quotes to live by and I have words of blessing that she has shared with me.  She will take you in with her heart, her hope, and her joy for loving Jesus and living a life full of inspiration.

Here is a quote to inspire you this week:


That was for your heart, now for your tummy:

The yummiest apple pumpkin gluten free muffin recipe

in the world from my friend Kate Battestelli.


And this? This video will make you cry all happy awestruck

and give you hope for every teenager you know:


And these words will bless you from author Shauna Niequist.

"The heart of hospitality is creating space for these moments,protecting that fragile bubble of vulnerability and truth and love."

breadandwinebookAnd my last inspiration for this week is a giveaway! Anyone who comments or links up this week will get a chance to win a free copy of Bread and Wine. (Oh yeah, I got two copies, folks!)To be inspired is good thing but to inspire others is incredible. Let's cheer one another on to become incredible!SO here we go...Our First Inspire Me Monday Link UpInspire Me Monday cropped 250x250 And your hostesses:Angie {Me}, Cindy, Denise, and Natalie(These are all fantastic ladies who I would suggest checking out.  They inspire me all of the time!)There are actually a couple more surprise hostesses as well. Stay tuned for that...Rules are easy peasy:1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or a compilation like I did. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you. Anything goes.2. No blog? No worries... share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Visit a couple others, but especially the one right before you to give a little encouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!AND...each week, I will post a few inspirations from the week before so you can check each other out even more!Okay, inspire and be inspired...