Inspire Me Monday - Week Two

Inspire Definition Card 5x7 (2)Here we are on week two for Inspire Me Monday.  We had so many great link ups last week and I am looking forward to more of these wonderful poems, stories, recipes, and amazing inspirations that touch us down deep for this week.If you want to meet some of the wonderful people who linked up and see, read, and feel the inspiration, check out here.For this week, I have a special treat.  Literally...a treat - to eat! I do not do recipes very often although one post I did is one of the most pinned posts that I have.  But I'm not really sure if this really counts as a recipe, rather as another way to bake something into a yummy, gooey, sweet piece of love. THE EASIEST CINNAMON WAFFLE ROLLS EVER  (I really have to get better at titles if I'm going to start creating recipes.)2014-01-12 034      Here are the only things you need:2014-01-12 011 *Refirigerated tube of cinnamon rolls*Baking spray*Waffle griddle  After you have heated up the griddle so the little light says it is ready, spray on just a small mist of the cooking spray. Then, unwrap the rolls from carton and place them on the griddle.2014-01-12 015      Now, put the top down for one minute.  Seriously, that is all - one minute. You do not have to smash them before you put them in.  They stay all puffy and wonderful if you just plop them on the griddle and shut the top.  My honey smashed his when he made them and they got too flat for me. But, just the fact that he helped me make breakfast got me all gooey inside! ~Sigh~2014-01-12 017      You can see the puffy goodness right here:2014-01-12 027      And here:2014-01-12 029      And here:2014-01-12 041      It is that easy!  My kiddos LOVE them and it is so quick, I can make them before school even on the days that I am walking out with them going to work.So that is my little inspiration for this week!The winner for last week's book was Andrea at Joy(full) family!!  (My husband picked a number randomly and if that blog had a link back to the blog hop - it was the winner!)She had some wonderful tips on creating a personalized cleaning routine.  Oh, with how much I love a clutter free life, this touches close to my heart!Inspire Me Monday cropped 250x250 FYI -The best way to link back is to put a button on the blog post or even just a link within the blog. It means so much to the hostesses and even more people can see your great inspirations! If you do not know how, click on that red phrase right up there and it takes you to a great site to show you how. Don't forget to follow and check out our sweet hostesses. These ladies completely rock.Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Natalie {Facebook, Twitter}, and Robin {Blog, Twitter}And here is where we make it easy to share a little love - just copy this code to put in your blog post.

 Angie Ryg

 So now it is your turn...We all need a little inspiration.  And for a little more incentive, several people said they liked that inspire art button at the top of last week's post, so I am giving that away this week as a free download PDF for anyone who links up or comments on today's post. (psst...I will take off my web page address)Rules are easy peasy:1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or several. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you or a tutorial on making your own wrapping paper. Anything goes.2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Visit a couple others, but especially the one right before you to give a little encouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!My tip was an easy breakfast.  Do you have any easy go-to breakfasts that will inspire us today?