When You Are Stuck Between Wanting and Delighting

Pouring out of the van like the circus clowns that keep coming, we walk in together to the restaurant. A treat for the birthday girl. While we walk in, she walks ahead with her Daddy and my heart melts and my soul stirs with the memory of pushing out new life just fourteen years ago. I am somewhere in between wanting to see her twirling in her flower petal filled skirt once again and delighting in the laughter of a playful text between us!The two older boys walk a little ahead with Minecraft strategies and playful pushes to compete like only brothers can. They are loyal to one another, wanting to be on the same team with neighbors and whispering late into the night about what "happy thoughts" they will do the next day.  IMG_20140717_185934  My little one looks up at me. He puts his hand in mine and says, "Daddy and Leah can have a date. The big brothers can have a date and you and me, Mommy. We can have a date."    And I think how fast these fourteen years went when I first called myself a mother and I look down at his hopeful smile and know how fast his eight years went and I look at the blessings that all bloomed from two childhood friends that chose to make it forever.I slowly lean in so he can hear the special secret of lasting love and I whisper, "Yes. Let's be on a date."He smiles, squeezes his hand and leads me up the stairs and this love falls deep into his tiny palm of hope. I am joining in Lisa-Jo's fun link up called Five Minute Friday. This week's prompt is BLOOM. Won't you join us?