FINISH - {Five Minute Friday}
So I showed up one day - to this place of encouragement and beauty. This place where brave words fell and hearts were open. And I wrote. I wrote about the word that was given. But I rarely wrote about my heart wrapped up in that word.And then a few more words, and even more time and this craft that God molds and shapes and makes His own in a variety of ways cameout. The desire to write was always there, but this desire to connect took hold.And on the day when I sat there with one that I had only known online and sat flesh to flesh - the connection became sweet. Because that is what the words can do - they can change hearts. They can inspire hope. Words matter.Only then did the words go deep - not because the word was any different - although it was - many years of so.many.different.words. But it was because of community - they opened a part of me that was content to be mine alone. But now, it wanted to grow.And for that, I thank Lisa-Jo who started this community. Her willingness to open her place to a community of writers, dreamers, and hope. And I found that it helped me to finish my thoughts because it helped to fill my heart. STOP Here is the second to last Five Minute Friday that Lisa-Jo will be hosting. And then Kate will take over. And you will actually learn even more about Kate next week as I introduce her in a super fun blog hop that she invited me to! But if you want to join in, come on over and write for five minutes. No editing, no over thinking. Just write - from the heart.