A Prayer for the Busy Mom When School Starts
Dear Lord,She wakes up before her children, wanting to have one moment of quiet before the crazy of morning starts. She will open the door to a new day of struggles, questions, worries, and joys she could never imagine. May you give her your calm peace before the chaos. Or she will wake up to little ones crawling into bed with her and doing the Jolly Phonics *ant* song on her arm. May she laugh with the joy of snuggles and hopes of happy anticipation of her day ahead.Or she will wake up to the alarm clock and once again wish that she didn't have to work. That she could stay in bed and rest just a few more minutes. Wanting the life that didn't include having to get herself ready as she tries to get the family ready as well. Move big in her heart and give her a feeling of purpose and the knowledge that she is serving her family in the way that you have called for this season.She drops off little ones or not so little ones in the circle drive or beyond the playground. Give her the security in knowing that You will protect her little girl as she is swallowed up by the backpacks that engulf her on her first day of high school. You are already in that school. You are already there.There are no surprises to you.She has filled out questionnaires, physicals, and registration forms. Or she has filled out curriculum orders, lesson plans, and co-op papers. She will feel overwhelmed, out of place, and in over her head as she plans to impart knowledge to her child. Give her the wisdom to know she is right where you want her and that you are asking her not to go off on her own, but to follow You in what you are already doing in the lives of her children.Remind her that you ask her to join you in this amazing thing called motherhood and that she needs only to show up.She will plan out her family's days using color coded markers to keep the schedules straight. She will drive carpools and caravans, she will buy new soccer cleats and ballet flats, and she will send healthy nut-free, gluten-free, red dye free snacks for the week. Call to her and say that you are her source of strength and help. You are all knowing, all powerful, and always there.Replace her comparing with confidence.Enlarge her sphere of influence.May your Spirit grow in her soul so that the whispers of the enemy saying, "You are not enough" are silenced in the strong truths of her Creator saying, "You are everything to them and you are everything to Me."And when she cries at the dining room table because of a schedule that she allowed with all *good things* that threaten to overwhelm her family - leaving no nights for dinner together as a family, no Saturday lazy days of family time and no Sabbath rest - Give her that rest. Take her yoke of blame, and replace it with compassion for the present, and wisdom for the future.May she treasure the blessings - however mundane they might seem - for to give thanks is the way to feel Your love even more. Lord, help to remind her that she is a treasured possession of You.When this day seems to take away her joy, get it back for her.May your joy take her breath away today. May it take away mine.For I am this busy mama and I need to know your joy.Thank you for a little child's laughter, this life, and your love.Amen. Hey Y'all, I got such sweet feedback from this post, I thought it might encourage others, so I linked up with my very dear and uber encourager Holley Gerth for her latest link up:
Come on over and join us for some refreshment and a place to bless and be blessed!