A Welcome Back to Inspire Me Monday - Week 25
The Lord is my Shepherd...I shall not want...I had always pictured Psalm 23 describing these beautiful green hills with lush dew covered grass, but I learned this past month that "green pastures" can sometimes be just little bits of grass sticking out of the dirt covered roads of India. {click to tweet this} And yet, when those pastures are given from the Lord, they become enough.That's the fullness of who God is! That is the Good Shepherd.I am back from my travels in India. As I shared the worth of a woman in God to women throughout the country, I found that the Good Shepherd was holding me and guiding me to different pastures than I have ever wanted to travel. And yet through each path, I found that I wanted to know the beauty of the good shepherd more.I have found that it is better to be in the middle of God's will on a dirt covered floor in a small Ashram in India praying with a woman to help her know what love in the flesh feels like than to be out of God's will in my carpeted family room watching The Middle (Although I do love that show!).I have found what living on prayer can do to a team, a church, and a community and I do not want to go back to the stagnant acceptance of complacent beauty. I want the beauty of God.People do not want any more sermons from strongly built soapboxes. They desire stories from broken places that are surrounded with open arms - welcoming them to the love of Jesus.And although this month will be peppered with stories from my time in India just because India is a part of me now, this post is to kick off the joy that one small tip of inspiration can give to a soul. One moment of inspiration can change one day for one girl, one woman, one family, one community, and ultimately the word to create hope where darkness lives.I am so excited to introduce three communities that give inspiration and hope to others.
The first one is a place where healing words meet kindred souls and a sisterhood is being formed. And you are invited! Built on the beautiful dream of Denise Hughes, you are invited to sit and rest and join your story with others as we cheer for on another in a beautiful display of a celebration of every season of life. Come refresh yourself over at Deeper Waters. Sit for a while and join this community of sisters who know just what you are going though. The next community is one I have been watching quietly from the sidelines seeing the hope they bring and wondering what I can do to help. How can my one small voice make any kind of difference, yet then I remember:It is when one small voice cries out for God that the mountains can move. {click to tweet this}I am joining in the crying out and the praying and the hoping for change. I am blessed by the community of World Help and what they are doing for communities around the globe.
This last month, I have seen women that have been persecuted for their faith in Jesus. I have hugged them, prayed with them, and been inspired by them. And World Help is helping women like these. And I invite you to do more for women like these.To learn more about the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and how you can help provide immediate aid to Iraqi refugees, simply visit worldhelp.net/prayer.
The last community is one that I am excited to jump in and pull up a chair and sit at the table of grace. Grace Table is not just about food, but about fellowship. And when each of the hosts at the table is a person who makes you smile, laugh, or think deep, it is a table where I want to be. Join this new community as they launch a feast today where all are invited! And one last inspiration for you...My husband and I are celebrating 16 years this January. And this...I want to love like this:http://vimeo.com/107938492Now for the super fun part. We want to hear YOUR stories of inspiration. YOUR videos. YOUR songs. YOUR posts. Just pick one to link up and add it here.Easy Peasy...1,2.3:
1. Link up ONE inspirational post, song, DIY idea, video, song, ANYTHING that gets us kick started into Mondays!
2. Visit TWO other contributors (the one right before you and another one) and leave an encouraging comment. We all like a little comment love!
3. Spread the inspiration and invite some friends! ! Share the post on Facebook, tweet something inspiring, pin it, or whatever social media outlet you prefer – let's try to build this community in order to inspire another heart on this Monday morning.
And to add a little more amazing inspiration, here are the hostesses that will be joining us these next few months. This summer (Yes, I am already dreaming of summer), we will have guest hostesses so stay tuned!
Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Anita and Carol {Facebook, Twitter}Share the button - Share the inspiration:
I cannot wait to read your inspirations!