Inspire Me Monday - Week Twenty Seven

This has been a weekend of rubbing backs. For some crazy reason each of my kids like to have their backs rubbed when they are sick. And by sick, I mean the Scottish definition of "sick:" throwing up. And they.were.all.sick.


I do not ever want someone with me when I am throwing up. Never. I may want someone to come check on me. . . ask me how I am doing, but to touch me while I am in the middle of "being sick". . . never.


I realized once again that touch is such a strong sense. It conveys a sense of care and belonging. It gives comfort and communicates the stability of being there through runny noses and little voices questioning, "When will it stop Mama?"


But I have found that the sense of touch is not just found in the rubbing of a back. It is not just in the presence of a warm body. Sometimes this same kind of warm touch can be in a friend that feels the same way you do and shares her story in order for you to feel not so alone.


Today, I am super giddy to share a bit of news that is sure to inspire and make you feel as if you have received a sweet warm hug from a friend.


YOU are all invited to be on the book launch of a wonderful and inspiring Donkey. Yep, you heard that right... a DONKEY!


Flash the Donkey touched a family and the author, Rachel Ridge, will be touching life upon life with her beautiful story of redemption, found faith, and the grace of second chances.


The launch date is May 2015!  And she is looking for bloggers to help her out on the launch!  And not only that, but she is giving away free art! Did I mention she is crazy talented with words and color?  So click on over  right here and join her in the adventure of inspiring others through the touch of hopeful words!


And now, I am ready for your words of inspiration. Link up your words, your craft ideas, your recipies, your cleaning tips...Anything to make this week one of peace, planning, and intentional goodness!

 Here are a few tips to make this easy peasy:Easy Peasy...1,2,3:

1. Link up ONE inspirational post, song, DIY idea, video, song, ANYTHING that gets us kick started into Mondays!

2. Visit TWO other contributors (the one right before you and another one) and leave an encouraging comment. We all like a little comment love!

3. Spread the inspiration and invite some friends! ! Share the post on Facebook, tweet something inspiring, pin it, or whatever social media outlet you prefer – let's try to build this community in order to inspire another heart on this Monday morning.

And to add a little more amazing inspiration, here are the hostesses that will be joining us these next few months.  This summer (Yes, I am already dreaming of summer), we will have guest hostesses so stay tuned!

Angie {FacebookTwitter}, Cindy {FacebookTwitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Anita and Carol {Facebook, Twitter}Share the button - Share the inspiration: 

 Angie Ryg

I cannot wait to read your inspirations!