Inspire Me Monday - Week Twenty Nine
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
I was running like a chicken with my head cut off or maybe a grouse;
The stockings were in a bin still waiting to be found,
And snow globes and ornaments scattered all around;
The children were all snuggled up in their beds,
And I was hoping the chaos was escaping their heads;
Chaos of Pinterest craft messes and school party fails,
Concerts with black pants, not khaki, because of many missed emails;
When then upstairs there arose such a clatter,
I quickly ran up to see what was the matter;
My kids are all shouting, "Christmas letters to Santa never got sent!"
Little boys wanting Minecraft, Frozen, and any Disney Event;
And then the teen girl who used to ask for all things glitter,
Says she will be happy with just joining Twitter;
So letters are written, promised to mail,
And I sigh as I think about another Christmas Fail;
The children finally settle down and now there are presents to wrap,
While "Mr. Claus" is already settled in for a nap;
Ripping off stickers and all the price tags,
Yet still knowing I will explain that Santa sometimes shops at Target and keeps all the bags;
I realize Christmas cookies were never made, the Advent Calendar box is still on thirteen,
And sweet Baby Jesus has been replaced with a Lego mini-figure in the Nativity scene;
And yet when I fall in my bed late that night,
Just barely missing the sun's early light;
I am reminded of another Mama many years ago,
Who was up all night watching a Miracle given from Heaven to us below;
So for those Mamas thinking they have to make a perfect Christmas season,
And that creative cookies and magnificent mantels are all part of the reason;
Let's join together in not one-upping and comparing,
But instead celebrating each other and find reason for sharing;
For those cookies I will try to make tomorrow and my mantle will eventually get done,
But let's not let this beautiful time pass us without enjoying all the moments of fun;
The fun of a smile, a snowman or two,
a story to read, special time with you;
These are the things that our families will remember,
the traditions that show love will be what they will treasure.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a wonderful month of blessed MOMents with those that you love! Now let's link up some beautiful inspiration from you!Here are a few tips to make this easy peasy:Easy Peasy...1,2,3:
1. Link up ONE inspirational post, song, DIY idea, video, song, ANYTHING that gets us kick started into Mondays!
2. Visit TWO other contributors (the one right before you and another one) and leave an encouraging comment. We all like a little comment love!
3. Spread the inspiration and invite some friends! ! Share the post on Facebook, tweet something inspiring, pin it, or whatever social media outlet you prefer – let's try to build this community in order to inspire another heart on this Monday morning.
And to add a little more amazing inspiration, here are the hostesses that will be joining us these next few months. This summer (Yes, I am already dreaming of summer), we will have guest hostesses so stay tuned!
Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Anita and Carol {Facebook, Twitter}Share the button - Share the inspiration:
I cannot wait to read your inspirations!