Inspire Me Monday - Week Thirty - One
Good Morning! Another new week. A week filled with new things or maybe things that are very, very common. Maybe of work. Maybe of diapers. Maybe of carpools and crafts. Basketball games and laundry piles. It may be a week of new beginnings or maybe some ends. End of the term. End of school. Hopefully the end of the flu that is there is no more room on the nightstand because of all the Kleenex and medicine,and feet are crossing feet and arms are laying across knees because the whole family is sleeping in one bed in all directions,all you can do for inspiration is play a funny video that reminds everyone that saying something nice could sometimes be the greatest inspiration that one might have in a day. Just click on that link above there and one day, I will figure out how to import it. I know. . . I read it on Google, but it is just not working, and tonight if I am going to choose between reading it all over again or getting an extra hour of snuggles with my little one who is running a fever, I am choosing snuggles. Every time! Please disregard that last paragraph. . . IT WORKED!!! So be inspired to bring a smile to someone just by saying a few happy things.And if you are more inclined to want to read happy things, is one of the mostinspirational places on the web!I am sure you have heard of it, but if you have not yet had a chance to breathe deep with comfort, encouragement, and hope, you need to go visit this place that will welcome you to beauty and grace.It is called in(courage) and it is just one of the most places on the web. My dear friend Holley Gerth started it with Stephanie Bryant and the writers over there are some of the most beautiful soul sisters that I have *met* both in real life and through this crazy thing called the web.And those words in the blocks? You can actually buy those!!! They are called the Words Matter Letterpress Blocks and you need to race over there to see the amazing words that will truly inspire. But for more inspiration. . . I need y'all to link up here and I cannot wait to connect!Here are a few tips to make this easy peasy:Easy Peasy...1,2,3:
1. Link up ONE inspirational post, song, DIY idea, video, song, ANYTHING that gets us kick started into Mondays!
2. Visit TWO other contributors (the one right before you and another one) and leave an encouraging comment. We all like a little comment love!
3. Spread the inspiration and invite some friends! ! Share the post on Facebook, tweet something inspiring, pin it, or whatever social media outlet you prefer – let's try to build this community in order to inspire another heart on this Monday morning.
And to add a little more amazing inspiration, here are the hostesses that will be joining us these next few months. This summer (Yes, I am already dreaming of summer), we will have guest hostesses so stay tuned!
Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Anita and Carol {Facebook, Twitter}Share the button - Share the inspiration:
I cannot wait to read your inspirations!