Inspire Me Monday - Week Thirty - Six
{photo credit} I hear the beating of my heart rushing in my ears, and I feel the sweat beading on my back.And I don't know if I can make it.I trained. I put in the time to stretch tight muscles, ran when it was dark {okay, this totally means in the evening, not the wee hours of the morning, let's just be honest. . .}, and chose water over an ice cold Pepsi.It isn't even a long run, but to me, it is a run to prove something. That I can.But I am finding that I can't.At least I can't alone. That is when I hear, "C'mon. . . you can do it. Just a little bit more."And I believe the words of encouragement.I believe that I can.Just because I heard that I could. Because when I try to do it alone, I find myself making excuses.No matter what it is I am trying to do. They can be excuses from my head:"I have too many other things to do.""I have never done this before.""Other people have done it already, why should I even try?!" Or the lies of the world:"You are not good enough.""You will never finish.""She is so much better than you, why not let her do it instead?!" But when I hear the words of someone else believing in me,I actually believe I can. And so today. . .I will continue to run: To choose patience over a flared temper.To write one more chapter.To see my kids as flawed sweet beings just being who they are created to be. . .children. And to give myself that same grace. And I will continue to run.Even if I am the ONLY one who stops to get water during the 5K! So what will you choose to continue to do today?I would love to know! I am so excited to announce another part of today's awesome inspiration....It is a Giveaway bonanza!I want to share all sorts of happy joy and since I cannot be with each of you in person, I am using this giveaway to make y'all happy on this Monday morning! Like I said, I am starting to run.You see, a few months ago, if I said that, I might have thrown up a little in my mouth, but now, I am actually excited.I used to get really bad shin splints, but for some reason, as I have started to do just a little bit at a time, I am finding that the pain is not coming.When I just take little steps, I find that I can do it.So I have just a few special things that can give you little steps in the right direction of parenting, loving Jesus more, knowing God more fully in every aspect of your life, and just adding beauty around home and sweet self. Here is what is included in this week's giveaway:
I have met Chrystal Evans Hurst and she is the real deal! She desires to follow God and shares her stories of grace in the midst of real life which includes the chaos of kids and the desire to embrace the purpose God has in store for her. Reading her words (and her daddy's wise words) will inspire you to realize the power that every Kingdom Woman has in a mighty God.
And for a humorous read on the lighter side of mothering, I have included this amazing book by Faith Bogdan. She is a mama that shares from the trenches. And even in using that word "trenches", I smile because her daughter will actually be in the trenches as she desires to join the marines and Faith is experiencing a whole unique kind of trust right now. And now for something for your home:
This is a small piece of beautiful wall art from Red Letter Words and it is perfect for how I feel about running lately. . .when I am focusing on the amount of work it takes to run, I cannot handle it, but when I focus on the completion of the run, I find the joy. In the same way, when we focus on what God wants, that is when we find the true joy that is meant for us to have in Him.
{photo credit}The last gift is a beautiful piece of jewelery from Lisa Leonard. It is the simple and classy Together necklace. It is just a little something to help you remember that everything is better when you have a friend or a community to stand by your side.Everyone that comments or links up or LIKES my Angie Ryg Facebook page will be entered to win this whole set of awesomeness!Link up and join our community now! Here are a few tips to make this easy peasy:Easy Peasy...1,2,3:
1. Link up ONE inspirational post, song, DIY idea, video, song, ANYTHING that gets us kick started into Mondays!
2. Visit TWO other contributors (the one right before you and another one) and leave an encouraging comment. We all like a little comment love!
3. Spread the inspiration and invite some friends! ! Share the post on Facebook, tweet something inspiring, pin it, or whatever social media outlet you prefer – let's try to build this community in order to inspire another heart on this Monday morning.
And to add a little more amazing inspiration, here are the hostesses that will be joining us these next few months. This summer (Yes, I am already dreaming of summer), we will have guest hostesses so stay tuned!
Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Anita and Carol {Facebook, Twitter}Share the button - Share the inspiration:
I cannot wait to read your inspirations!