Freedom Friday - Week Three - Peer Pressure
Hey Y'all and Welcome to Freedom Friday! It is not just me welcoming you today. I have my daughter and my niece on the blog today sharing what peer pressure means to them. We had such fun doing this. The girls thought we should add the bloopers as well! Maybe someday. It only took about four takes. Not bad for us newbies! If you are reading Your Sacred Yes along with us, you know we are exploring how we can find freedom, passion, and joy in our everyday lives by giving God our sacred yes! Even if you are not doing the book study, you know the need for approval is everywhere we look! Too often for me, I put more thought into how the people around me are going to perceive me rather than what God thinks of me and who I am in Him.
I need to remember my worth is not in what others think of me,
but what God did for me and who I am in Him.
These last two chapters were filled with practical tips on how to identify and acknowledge the gaps between man's opinion and God's opinion. Check out today's video. And please excuse the beach hair! :) The Your Scared Yes email for today shares how I tried to please others instead of God. If you are not receiving those, go on and sign up at about you? In what ares of your life are you more worried about man's opinion of you than God's? How do you see peer pressure affecting you? Please join the conversation. Constantly striving for approval affects us all and I am thankful for a community that can share and encourage one another!Please share what you are struggling with or how you are finding yourself victorious with God's help! Just connect below in the comments or feel free to email me any prayer requests. May you find beauty in giving God Your Sacred Yes today! XOXO,Angie